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Wanner Label


Wanner Label is a sustainable, small scale/small production company making upcycled garments from materials sourced only second hand. Interested in expanding and exploring further ways to be sustainable. Our/my main strength, in my opinion, is that every single part of the company is upcycled, hence removing manufacturing, first stage production and transportations between those stages, from Wanner Label’s production process. And the fact that I have the ability to create new and modern things from old fabrics.

  • Listing ID: 1684
  • Contact: Josefin Wanner
  • What are your aspirations and plans for the future?: As I am just a start-up my main aspiration right now is just to increase my customer base. I am however exploring ways to expand the company (maybe by creating a second hand section, or a high end customized section to the brand) in sustainable ways that could still be financially beneficial.
  • What types of projects are you interested in working on through Future Fashion Factory?: I would be more than interested in working on anything regarding sustainability and future fashion solutions. I may not be very involved in technological aspects of fashion but am always eager to learn new things and expand my knowledge within fashion.