Virtalis has been pioneering enterprise visualisations for over 25 years, building a position at the vanguard of virtual reality for industry. Our visualisation software and systems help organisations across a range of industries to achieve more effective operations. Virtalis places visualisation in the hands of a broad range of users, enabling organisations to easily navigate complex supply chains and deliver successful projects.
Virtalis offer collaborative XR software and hardware for the purpose global collaboration within operations and training. The technology is unique as there is no requirement for high end PC’s. IoT dashboards, asset data, CAD data, live PLC & SCADA streaming and PLM software can drive real-time, enterprise scale, XR environments equally accessible via XR devices, PC’s, tablets, and smart phones.
- Listing ID: 1807
- Contact: Daniel Norbury
- What are your aspirations and plans for the future?: To bridge the gap in the digital thread by giving context to data and allowing broader communication to multifunction teams. As digitisation is becoming paramount to global operations, Virtalis are looking to expose this way of communication to every industry.
- What types of projects are you interested in working on through Future Fashion Factory?: We are interesting is working on multifunctional collaboration projects i.e. where there is a demand for multifunction teams, departments, companies and end users to work effectively together, which includes supply chains and remote operations. We would like Future Fashion Factory to understand our solution and proactivity introduce us to other key ends users to support their initiatives. We are happy to be brought into funding opportunities, however there would need to be a business case for our inclusion, i.e. other than exposure what would be the value to Virtalis, would there be company adoption if project is successful? We would like to help with the direction of curriculums to ensure future students are equipped with the vital digital communication skills required for industry 4.0. We would like Virtalis marketing to be connected and working in sync with Future Fashion Factory marketing.